
Insights and information on the impacts of AI for New Zealand

The AI Forum helps develop the local AI ecosystem by engaging with Government, industry and other stakeholders to identify opportunities for advancement. 

Our parliamentary submissions collate the views of our membership in response to specific inquiries or bills.

Our research reports are written in partnership with a range of organisations (including industry partners, professional bodies, research organisations and Government) to provide insight, information and lead the debate on AI’s potential impact on New Zealand’s future.


Productivity Commission – Future of Work Submission

This is a submission on behalf of the Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand / Te Kāhui Atamai Iahiko o Aotearoa to the New Zealand Productivity Commission’s Issues Paper – Technological change and the future of work.


Statistics NZ – Legislative Review Submission

This is a submission on behalf of the Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand to Stats NZ on the public discussion document Towards new data and statistics legislation.


New Zealand AI Ecosystem Map

***Updated to V1.4 12 October 2018*** New Zealand has a thriving industry working with AI technologies.  Discover who is currently investing in, working with and considering AI in New Zealand. Prior to the publication of the AI Forum’s 2018 research report, Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand, the Forum released an ecosystem map, which is regularly … Continue reading "New Zealand AI Ecosystem Map"


Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand

This report is the culmination of a one year research project led by the AI Forum with research partners IDC and Sapere. The research examined the New Zealand and international AI industry landscapes, investigating AI’s potential impacts on New Zealand’s economy and society. The report identifies key AI opportunities, in the public, private and education … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand"

Research Notes

The Potential Economic Impacts of AI Literature Review

This Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand (AIFNZ) discussion paper provides a detailed literature review of recent global research into the potential economic impacts of artificial intelligence (AI). This literature review was conducted to provide insights for the preparation of the AI Forum’s 2018 research report, Artificial Intelligence – Shaping a Future New Zealand.