
Insights and information on the impacts of AI for New Zealand

The AI Forum helps develop the local AI ecosystem by engaging with Government, industry and other stakeholders to identify opportunities for advancement. 

Our parliamentary submissions collate the views of our membership in response to specific inquiries or bills.

Our research reports are written in partnership with a range of organisations (including industry partners, professional bodies, research organisations and Government) to provide insight, information and lead the debate on AI’s potential impact on New Zealand’s future.


AI for the Environment in Aotearoa New Zealand

How can AI boost Aotearoa New Zealand’s biodiversity and help in the fight against climate change?  How can it support environmental sustainability? What is the current state of environmental AI in Aotearoa?  The AI Forum Te Kāhui Atamai Iahiko o Aotearoa’s new research report, AI for the Environment in Aotearoa New Zealand answers these questions and more.  … Continue reading "AI for the Environment in Aotearoa New Zealand"


Digital Strategy for Aotearoa

This is a submission on behalf of the Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand / Te Kāhui Atamai Iahiko o Aotearoa to the Department of Internal Affairs discussion document, Te koke ki tētahi Rautaki Matihiko mō Aotearoa, Towards A Digital Strategy for Aotearoa.


Artificial Intelligence for Financial and Insurance Services in New Zealand

Ahumoni me te Inihua i te Atamai Iahiko This report examines the New Zealand financial services, banking and insurance sectors, which are currently experiencing significant transformation.   Already, AI-enabled improvements are proving valuable and creating relatively rapid returns on investment.  AI-driven technologies will be critical to the industry’s reinvention in creating simple, transparent and personalised … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence for Financial and Insurance Services in New Zealand"


Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture in New Zealand

Ahuwhenua i te Atamai Iahiko This report examines the New Zealand and international AI industry landscapes for agriculture and investigates AI’s potential impacts for New Zealand’s place in the global food value chain. The research shows New Zealand urgently needs to increase its focus on the core foundations needed to operate in an AI enabled … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture in New Zealand"


Artificial Intelligence for Health in New Zealand

Hauora i te Atamai Iahiko The health sector in New Zealand is facing challenges. These include increasing demand, rising consumer expectations, and the pressures of an ageing population. These factors are straining the health workforce, increasing costs and limiting access to care. The AI Forum’s latest research report describes how AI promises to bring significant … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence for Health in New Zealand"



Te Ara mō tātou Atamai o Āpōpō: Te huarahi atamai iahiko ō Aotearoa This report identifies that New Zealand urgently needs to increase its focus on the core foundations needed to operate in an AI enabled future – particularly investment, skills and talent, research, trusted data, ethics and regulation.  The report also shows how AI enabled … Continue reading "TOWARDS OUR INTELLIGENT FUTURE: AN AI ROADMAP FOR NEW ZEALAND"