Harnessing the Power of AI to enable a prosperous, inclusive, thriving future New Zealand.
The AI Forum has an active programme of work aligned with our mission to maximize the benefits from AI for all New Zealanders.
Key projects include:
AI for the Environment

The AI Forum Te Kāhui Atamai Iahiko o Aotearoa is researching the potential for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to contribute to environmental outcomes for Aotearoa New Zealand. This research project is funded by Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa and the Ministry for the Environment Manatū Mō Te Taiao.
The report will describe how AI can be used to increase the understanding of, and assist with the development of solutions to many of the environmental challenges facing Aotearoa New Zealand. We hope to bring greater visibility to existing and potential uses of AI for the environment and identify where New Zealand could be world-leading in this domain.
We are focusing on AI projects or capabilities that contribute to the following environmental outcomes, from both Western science and matauranga Māori perspectives:
- Preserving and bolstering biodiversity. This includes protection of native plants, animals and ecosystems in land, freshwater and marine environments.
- Understanding the impacts of changing land use This includes changes to vegetation across the country and the use of land in urban areas.
- Reducing pollution from our activities. This includes substances or kinds of energy (noise, light, heat) that are harmful to the environment.
- Protecting our freshwater and marine resources. This includes how we fish and the taking of water from waterways for various purposes.
- Climate change mitigation. This includes reducing greenhouse emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change for Aotearoa New Zealand.
We believe it is important to bring critical awareness and visibility to this highly promising field while demonstrating the potential of AI to face our environmental challenges and create a more sustainable Aotearoa New Zealand.
If you or your organisation works in this field, we invite you to tell us about your work by completing this survey:
Complete our survey
The final report will be published in the middle of 2022. For further information contact info@aiforum.org.nz.
Our research partners are WildlifeAI and Antistatic.