Moving Towards Responsible Government Use of AI in New Zealand
New Zealand, technology and productivity
This report looks at the factors affecting technology adoption and how this affects the labour market. It also examines how technology affected jobs in the past. We found that: – There is little in the available data that widespread disruption to work is coming soon. – Technology and labour-market trends in NZ tend to lag behind those … Continue reading "New Zealand, technology and productivity"
01 October 2019
Towards Our Intelligent Future
Te Ara mō tātou Atamai o Āpōpō: Te hurahi atamai iahiko ō Aotearoa This report identifies that New Zealand urgently needs to increase its focus on the core foundations needed to operate in an AI enabled future – particularly investment, skills and talent, research, trusted data, ethics and regulation. The report also shows how AI enabled … Continue reading "Towards Our Intelligent Future"
20 September 2019