Kāhui Māori Atamai Iahiko
Māori Artificial Intelligence Advisory Panel
The AI Forum NZ is committed to our purpose to ensure that we embed Te Ao Māori in our work. To ensure that Māori has a voice, we are establishing ‘Te Kāhui Māori Atamai Iahiko’ a Māori Advisory Panel in AI. The role of the panel will be to advise and support our organisation with ensuring our Te Ao Māori purpose and explore the impact of AI to Māori peoples. Our Advisory panel will ensure that the voices of Māori will be heard bringing to life our commitment to help harness the power of AI to enable a prosperous, inclusive and equitable future Aotearoa.

Meet Our Advisory Panel:

Megan Tapsell | AI Forum Chair
She has a background in Law and Māori, and has predominantly worked in the finance and technology industry across the UK and NZ for the last 19 years. Megan holds the role of Head of Technology for Retail, Business Banking & Wealth at ANZ NZ. She is predominately passionate in Māori matauranga (knowledge) in the workplace and local community, actively participating tutoring kapahaka at the local school and conducting language lessons within the workplace. She additionally has a role on the Advisory Board of the Navilluso which is part of the iMoko foundation. Megan also acts as a member on the Māori sub-committee for the AI Forum.

Dr Karaitiana Taiuru | Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Toa
AI, Data and Emerging Tech Ethicist and Governor, IP and Critical Indigenous Researcher
A nationally recognised Mātauranga and Māori IP expert, while also internationally recognised by academics and media with expertise in: Data Sovereignty, Maori Ethics with emerging technologies, and Digital Colonisation.My recognised expertise in Intellectual Property Rights utilises my upbringing in te Ao Māori.
Dr Daniel Wilson | Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Pikiao
Daniel lectures in Computer Science at Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland, specialising in Māori data sovereignty, ethics, and equitable data practices. With a diverse academic background in philosophy and data science, Daniel contributes to research on decolonising data systems, with projects funded by MBIE and the Health Research Council. He is also Co-Director of the Centre for Machine Learning for Social Good. Prior to academia, Daniel worked on ICT projects around the world.

Dr George Gray | Ngāti Ranginui & Ngaiterangi
Public Health Physician
George is a public health physician with Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora, and has a keen interest in leveraging technology and artificial intelligence to improve health outcomes, particularly for the Māori population. With a strong background in population health, he is passionate about exploring how AI can transform healthcare.
Lee Timutimu | Ngāti Awa, Ngai Te Rangi, Tūhoe, Ngāti Porou
Lee has worked in the IT industry for over 20 years, primarily in the IT support services space. He has deep networks and relationships into the Māori digitech (digital and technology) ecosystem and public and private sectors in Aotearoa New Zealand. He’s the Co-Founder of Ko Māui Hangarau, Te Hapori Matihiko and Kete AI, and Founder of Te Matarau – the Māori Tech Association and Takiaho Movement.
Maureen Crampton | Ngāti Kahu
Maureen is passionate about harnessing intergenerational thinking for AI decision-making. We are living in a definitive moment of technological change, where the risks and opportunities ahead require a dynamic values-led leadership best practiced and understood in te ao Māori. Maureen believes that whether we are representing a business, community, group or are acting alone, high performance and ethical AI practices can coexist to create transformational impact for Māori and Aotearoa New Zealand.
Maureen holds a Masters in Technological Futures with an extensive career in Architecture and Construction and a lifetime supporting high performance growth and development.
Moahuia Goza | Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Kauwhata, Ngāti Unu me Kahu
E ngā mana puipuiaki, ngā manu e pānui mai nei tēnā koutou katoa. He uri ahau nō te waka Tainui, te motu Ingarihi me Germany. He kairangahau, kaitiaki mātauranga anō hoki ahau. Ko te kaupapa e ngauana ki te ngākau, ko te oranganui o te ao Māori me ngā kaupapa tuku iho. Ko taku nei koha ki tēnei kaupapa ko tō Atamai Hangahanga (Artificial Intelligence), ko te tirohanga arohaehae i te kaupapa, me tana tikanga kore, tōna ātea kore taiapa. Ka hoki taku mahara ki te kōrero a kui mā, a koro mā – ka tū he pōwhiri ki waho rā i te pā, ka mōhio mai e koe ko wai rātou, ka tiaki tonu te mana me te tapu o te pā.
Riki Hollings | Ngāti Ranginui
Riki has spent 34+ years in the ICT sector, experiencing technological change throughout his career at the NZ Post Office, Telecom NZ, and Kora Aotearoa Spark NZ. With an engineering background and passion for innovation, Riki leads Te Korowai Tupu, Spark’s Māori Strategy and is passionate about realising the potential a te ao Māori world view provides for our future.
Dr Val O’Reilly | Kāi Tahu
Ko Aoraki te maunga
Ko Waitaki te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Kāi Tahu te iwi
Ko Val O’Reilly ahau
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa
Sharing her brief pepeha locates Val in a context richly imbued with the metaphor of a journey. Val’s mahi in education and career development is about supporting people to navigate their lifelong journeys. She believes the lens of Ao Māori can support Aotearoa to have a unique role in the journey of AI to be a force for good in the world.
“Artificial intelligence has the potential to save lives and to protect our earth mother, Papatūānuku, but we can’t help but feel like we’ve seen this before. Last time a white man came here with such promises, they were never kept. This is yet another contact period, and we have grown weary, because tangata whenua fears are often the first to be silenced.”
Arihia Hall | Ngā Hinepūkōrero Spoken Word
AI Summit 2022