Artificial Intelligence events happening around New Zealand.
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AI in the Real World: A Pragmatic Approach
Taking inspiration from the long history around the world of folk education, particularly the Scandinavian and Appalachian traditions, this course is designed to offer a fun, affordable and rigorous experience–that serves the needs of working adults. Like all folk education, liberation and movement building is at the core of the course. We save ourselves together–and … Continue reading "AI in the Real World: A Pragmatic Approach"
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Kāhui Māori Atamai Iahiko Hui
On behalf of the Kāhui Māori Atamai Iahiko, the AI Forum New Zealand’s Māori Advisory Panel for Artificial Intelligence (AI), we would like to invite you and anyone you think would benefit from attending, to participate in a kōrero on Large Language Models (LLM) for language preservation and revitalisation, sharing the learnings from the Mongolian experience of creating their own LLM.
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