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New Frontiers in Analytics
The NZ Analytics Forum invites you to our event on New Frontiers in Analytics.
The event is free of charge and is kindly sponsored by Westpac New Zealand.
Registration: The event is free of charge, with capacity of 230 people. Please register below.
Caleb Tutty – Westpac Data Science
Caleb has worked in the Data Science team at Westpac New Zealand for 18 months. Prior to this he was a Data Journalist at NZ Herald. His presentation will cover Westpac’s Fast Data journey, leveraging a cloud scale analytics, machine learning and streaming data platform – adopting tools in use by Google, Facebook and Uber. As our platform evolves we are presented with opportunities to decision in real-time, construct sophisticated machine learning models on enormous datasets and reconceptualise how we store, structure and process our data.
Matt is the business owner for data and payments APIs, often called “Open Banking”, at Westpac New Zealand. A member of the Westpac’s Solutions Consulting team, his role is to work with business customers to determine how Westpac’s capabilities can be deployed to build remarkable experiences for their customers. His professional experience is grounded in enterprise software deployment, strategy and driving innovation. In his presentation Matt will give an overview of Open Banking and what it means. He will provide some overseas examples, and cover the implications for us in NZ – focussing on the data and privacy perspective.
Ben Reid is the Executive Director of the Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand , a cross-sector organisation focused on harnessing the power of AI to ensure a prosperous, inclusive and thriving future New Zealand. Ben has nearly 25 years working in the technology sector with a deep background in software development, innovation strategy and high growth governance. He is active in promoting innovation and collaboration across the growing New Zealand technology sector and in previous roles has been Chairman of both CanterburyTech and Canterbury Angel Investors Inc. Ben will provide a quick introduction to the AI Forum, and how their programme of work can complement the Analytics Forum.
Jonathan Spence – Xtracta Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan founded and leads Xtracta – a company that researches, builds and provides technology that captures data from semi-structured documents. Xtracta was one of the first companies in New Zealand to begin researching and developing AI technology as a purely commercial venture. Today it has a globally distributed customer base and both its customer base and company as a whole are extremely fast growing. Jonathan has an IT background but has been deeply involved with the research programme of Xtracta from Day 1 and has a passion for the technology and its applications.
The topic of Jonathan’s presentation is “Cognitive Automation – a Use Case Review”, and in this he will talk about some of the things Xtracta are doing and the wider current state of automation of cognitive (thinking related) processes and the impact it’s having on organisations and jobs.
Agenda for the day
2:30pm Forum begins
2:55pm Welcome by MC (5 min)
3:00pm Caleb Tutty – Fast Data Platform
3:35pm Matt Haigh Open Banking
4:15pm Ben Reid – AI Forum
4:20pm Jonthan Spence – Xtracta
5:00pm Drinks and Food
6:00pm Event wraps up
We look forward to seeing you at this exciting event,
The NZ Analytics Forum Steering Committee