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Kāhui Māori Atamai Iahiko Hui
On behalf of the Kāhui Māori Atamai Iahiko, the AI Forum New Zealand’s Māori Advisory Panel for Artificial Intelligence (AI), we would like to invite you and anyone you think would benefit from attending, to participate in a kōrero on Large Language Models (LLM) for language preservation and revitalisation, sharing the learnings from the Mongolian experience of creating their own LLM.
Our special guest is Enkhsaikhan (Vicky) Nyamsuren.
The morning kōrero will be followed by a lunchtime panel discussion, open to a wider audience. Both parts of the event will be available online.
- DATE: Monday 16 September
- 10:00am -12:00pm Kōrero (by invitation) in person and online
- 12:30pm – 2:00pm Lunchtime Panel discussion (open to all) in person and online
- LOCATION: Creative HQ, 7 Dixon Street, Wellington 6011
If you have any questions, please contact the Kāhui Māori Chair Karaitiana Taiuru, karaitiana@taiuru.maori.nz