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AI Forum

Empowering AI for Aotearoa’s future

Kia ora,

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our annual Aotearoa AI Summit: Atamai Tuatahi | Intelligence First! It was a huge success thanks to all of our members, speakers and sponsors who made the day truly remarkable!  

The energy and insights shared were inspiring, from exploring AI’s economic potential and key announcements from government, to highlighting industry transformation and the importance of diversity and inclusion. We tackled key challenges head-on, including data sharing and ethical concerns, ensuring AI’s role in Aotearoa is impactful and responsible.  

We welcomed Hon Judith Collins’ announcement of two Callaghan Innovation-led AI initiatives – the AI Activator and GovGPT. The AI Activator supports the rapid adoption of AI technologies, helping companies of any stage to integrate AI to support growth and competitiveness in global markets. The second initiative, GovGPT, currently in a pilot phase, is intended to help businesses access information across 10 Government websites. The vision for GovGPT is that it will eventually provide a digital front door for Government websites. If you’d like to learn more about GovGPT and the future of AI in Government, join me on Tuesday 1 October for an online discussion

For more key takeaways, check out Steve Carey’s excellent summit summary. Plus, check out our Aotearoa AI Summit 2024 photo gallery here.

Mark your calendars for 18 September 2025 for an even bigger summit and don’t miss our special ticket offer available until Friday!

In other news, congratulations to our members Lynker Analytics for teaming up with Silver Fern Farms to form Prism. It’s also great to see how AI is helping our native birds

This week, we’ve launched an informative series of videos highlighting the importance of AI governance and strategies for success. View our new video series here. Plus, director Karen Rolleston shares more on how to avoid an AI governance blindspot.

Ahead of our Annual Meeting on 13 Novembernominations are now open for our Executive Council. This is your opportunity to contribute and help influence our sector’s direction.

Ngā mihi 
Madeline Newman
Executive Director, AI Forum NZ

Read the full news here: Empowering AI for Aotearoa’s future

AI Forum The AI Forum brings together New Zealand’s artificial intelligence community, working together to harness the power of AI technologies to enable a prosperous, inclusive and thriving future New Zealand.