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AI Forum

AI Forum Executive Council Elections & Annual Meeting 2024

Kia ora,

The Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand (AI Forum) Annual Meeting is coming soon, and this provides you and your organisation an opportunity to be involved in shaping the future direction of AI in Aotearoa!

The AI Forum brings together New Zealand’s AI community to harness the power of AI to enable a prosperous, inclusive and equitable future Aotearoa.

We are a member-driven not-for-profit organisation that unites a diverse range of people including innovators, industry, government and universities to actively shape and drive New Zealand’s AI capabilities.

The AI Forum is a member of the New Zealand Tech Alliance, a group of independent technology associations from across Aotearoa, working together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

To continue building on our success it is critical to have the support of a purposeful Executive Council who are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Forum and provide oversight for its activities.

We are now seeking nominations for our Executive Council.

We operate a Diversity Policy and our Executive Council proudly represents these values.

Executive Council Nominations

There is now an opportunity to put yourself forward or nominate someone else for a role on the AIFNZ Executive Council. This year we have vacancies for the following positions:

  • Corporate – Major (2 positions)
  • Corporate – Other (1 position)
  • SMEs & Start-ups (1 position)
  • Education (1 position)
  • Government (2 positions)

The nominees must be from an AIFNZ member organisation and from the same category they are to represent on the Executive Council.

All nominations must be submitted using this online form by 5pm, 9 October 2024.

AIFNZ Executive Council roles and responsibilities include:

  • Direct and supervise the business and affairs of AIFNZ
  • Attend monthly Executive Council meetings, usually one and a half hours in duration (video conferencing available)
  • Represent AIFNZ at industry events and as part of any delegations to government and other key stakeholders
  • Assist with managing and securing members of AIFNZ
  • Participate in AIFNZ working groups and projects
  • Where agreed by the Executive Council, act as a spokesperson for AIFNZ on issues relating to working groups or projects
  • Be a vocal advocate of AIFNZ. Where agreed by the Executive Council, act as a spokesperson for AIFNZ on issues relating to working groups or projects
  • Be a vocal advocate of AIFNZ.

Online Voting

Voting will take place online, in advance of the meeting. The results will be announced at the Annual Meeting. Please see the Charter for an outline of the Executive Council Membership and election process. Each organisation has one vote, allocated to the primary contact of the member organisation.

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is scheduled for 10.00am on Wednesday 13 November 2024 and is to be held via video conference.

Notices and Remits

If you wish to propose any notices or motions to be considered at the Annual Meeting, please email by 5pm, 23 October 2024.

Key dates:

  • Now: Call for Nominations for Executive Council representatives issued to members
  • 9 October: Deadline for nominations to be received
  • 16 October: List of nominees to be issued to AIFNZ Members and electronic voting commences
  • 23 October: Any proposed notices, motions or remits to be advised to AIFNZ
  • 13 November: Annual Meeting, results of online voting announced.
AI Forum The AI Forum brings together New Zealand’s artificial intelligence community, working together to harness the power of AI technologies to enable a prosperous, inclusive and thriving future New Zealand.