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AI EXperience Lab

Our AI EXperience Lab is set to be an EXciting and transformative experience for small and medium business owners, perfect for discovering which AI tools and skills that will help you run your business. Make sure you book in today!

Event location: academyEX, 99 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland

Event date & time: Our AI EXperience Lab is open till the 27th of September. Designed as an opportunity to drop-in and play with AI tools, the space is open every Thursdays and Fridays from 3-6pm. No registration required.

What to expect

Are you ready to better your business with AI? Drop into our AI EXperience Lab and discover your productivity advantage! The AI EXperience Lab is designed to:

  • be a safe space to explore user-friendly AI tools with expert guides
  • be a hands on experience with free tools like ChatGPT, Canva and HeyGen that you can use tomorrow
  • enable you to stay competitive with easy-to-implement AI solutions

We have four stations available in the lab:

  1. Build a business: You can bring your own business or you can use our customGPT to create an entirely new and unique business. Always wanted to sell Ice to Eskimos or Toothpicks to Aliens? Let ChatGPT generate a business idea for you to EXplore.
  2. Self-guided discovery: This is your chance to explore a range of AI tools that can help take your business to the next level. Bring your own prompt or use some of the examples provided and explore the art of the possible.
  3. Guided discovery: Not sure where to start, the guided discovery space is a great first stop. We’ve curated an experience that guides you through all of the tools we have on offer giving you the opportunity to see how all these tools can work together.
  4. Network with experts: Here is your opportunity to network with other like minded individuals and anything from business deals to AI tips and tricks. Some days we’ll have industry experts available to talk to and learn from too.

This is your opportunity to future-ready your business! Gain the knowledge and experience the tools to stay ahead in the AI-driven business landscape. Make sure you reserve your place today!



Sep 12
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Event Type
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99 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton
Auckland, New Zealand
+ Google Map

