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AI Forum

AI Hackathon 2024 regional winners | August Newsletter

Congratulations to our AI Hackathon 2024 regional winners! Our four day festival featured 48 hour hackathons across multiple locations. Thanks to everyone who was involved across the country at these energising and impactful events. Read more about the inspired challenges in Dunedin and Wellington.

Yesterday, we announced four finalists who have been invited to attend the Aotearoa AI Summit next month. If you’re attending our Aotearoa AI Summit on 11 September in Auckland, you’ll get to meet the finalists and hear their pitches. 

Our summit is the perfect opportunity for both AI enthusiasts and seasoned professionals to dive deep into the world of artificial intelligence. From Minister Judith Collins KC’s opening address, our event features a dynamic lineup of keynote presentations, panel discussions, and networking opportunities with global thought leaders and industry experts. Join us to hear from thought leaders at AWSSupaHuman AIGoogle CloudMicrosoftIBMSparkCallaghan Innovation and more still to be announced. Highlights include: 

  • A deep dive into AI safety with Microsoft’s John Galligan
  • Unlocking productivity and innovation with AI from Tim Bradley at AWS
  • A panel discussion on Blueprinting Aotearoa’s AI Future
  • A fireside chat with Google Fellow Urs Hölzle about the future of AI 

Explore the full programme here on the future of AI and the groundbreaking applications transforming industries worldwide.

Member news 

Congratulations to Hamilton based Aware Group on their sale to global player HSO. Read more

If you know students interested in AI generated art, please encourage them to enter Mytona’s GenArt Fusion competition

Plus, explore AI in the Real World: A Pragmatic Approach with Mandy Henk’s Dark Times Academy course led by Allyn Robins. 

Executive Council member and Simply Privacy Frith Tweedie’s next AI Governance Professional course is in September. Find out more.

AI Blueprint for Aotearoa

Work on the action plans in our AI Blueprint for Aotearoa is underway, including partnering with Tim Gander and Brendon Shaw’s AI in Education Community of Practice (CoP) which brings teachers together. Learn more.

And finally, don’t forget to join us in Wellington on 3 September for the launch of our report on AI’s Impact on Productivity!

Ngā mihi 
Madeline Newman
Executive Director, AI Forum NZ

Read the full news here: AI Hackathon 2024 regional winners 

AI Forum The AI Forum brings together New Zealand’s artificial intelligence community, working together to harness the power of AI technologies to enable a prosperous, inclusive and thriving future New Zealand.