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AI Forum

The Role of AI: Forever a Co-pilot or Future Pilot in Command?

Ming Cheuk,

In the rapidly ascending world of AI, the term “co-pilot” is becoming increasingly prominent. Whether it’s GitHub Copilot helping develop software or an AI-enhanced successor to Microsoft’s Clippy making document editing a breeze, the term captures a synergy between human effort and machine capabilities. But as we soar into this new digital sky, one can’t help but wonder: Will AI forever remain in the co-pilot’s seat, or is it destined to take the captain’s role?

Your Co-pilot, Ready for Takeoff

For now, AI is comfortably seated in the co-pilot’s chair, and there’s a collective sigh of relief because of it. Having a human in the cockpit — to monitor, correct, and assume control when needed — makes the idea of AI less intimidating and the skies we navigate together safer.

Ease of access also plays a role in our welcoming attitude towards AI. Chat interfaces, epitomised by platforms like ChatGPT, make talking to AI as natural as chatting with a fellow passenger. This accessibility has encouraged tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Adobe to integrate AI into their productivity tools, reinforcing its role as the co-pilot who assists but doesn’t take over.

At Which Altitude Does AI Command?

But what if the safety net of human oversight becomes a limitation? Could there be instances where AI’s potential is stifled by human intervention? Let’s explore a few examples where AI’s role ranges from co-pilot to potential captain.

Meeting Minutes: Cleared for Solo Flight

Many of us know the mental acrobatics required to actively engage in a meeting while taking detailed notes. AI, with its growing transcription and summarization capabilities, seems perfectly qualified for this task. In the sky of administrative duties, AI appears ready to be the commander, no co-pilot needed (aside from approving the minutes in more formal situations).

Customer Service: Forever a Co-Pilot

Customer service is a complex flight pattern, requiring quick problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and the ability to sift through cluttered information sources. AI excels at some of these tasks, can automate responses to basic inquiries and may soon even execute minor system adjustments. However, it lacks the genuine emotional touch and nuanced understanding that only humans can offer in the most challenging support situations. Here, AI seems destined to remain the co-pilot, assisting but never completely replacing human interaction.

Manufacturing: Autopilot Engaged

Quality control in manufacturing has seen a significant benefit from AI and computer vision. These technologies have not only met human capabilities but also surpassed them in terms of speed and accuracy. In this sector, AI is more than capable of taking the commander’s seat, allowing humans to focus on other roles that require a different skill set.

Education: Commanded by Humans

While AI is poised to revolutionise educational accessibility and personalization, it falls short in the realms of emotional intelligence and character development. In this emerging era—where information is not just easily accessible but also tailored to individual needs—the role of human educators is undergoing a transformation. The focus is shifting from being mere conduits of information to becoming architects of character development and emotional guidance. Within the educational cockpit, humans remain the irreplaceable commanders, skillfully navigating both academic learning and personal growth.

Charting the Skies of Tomorrow

We’re flying through an era of rapid technological evolution, and the role of AI is far from set. Will it forever be our trusty co-pilot, or are there skies where it can fly solo? For now, it seems that both humans and AI will continue to share the cockpit, each ready to take control when their unique skill set is called for.

AI Forum The AI Forum brings together New Zealand’s artificial intelligence community, working together to harness the power of AI technologies to enable a prosperous, inclusive and thriving future New Zealand.